Black Fox Wrestling Academy
7046 E Park Dr
Franktown, CO 94158
Tel: 303-669-5384
Black Fox Wrestling Academy is located approximately 1 mile north of Franktown on the East side of Parker Road. Black Fox Wrestling Academy practices out of the old Living Water Church.
The Barn
9311 E. Pioneer Drive, Parker, CO 80138
The Barn is located east of Legend High School on private property owned by one of our club coaches. There are very strict parking instructions and requirements for this location. Please familiarize yourself with these instructions before attending any practices at the Barn.
Seating is limited to 12-15 people at the Barn. If you plan on attending practice you must adhere to the parking policies at all times. Failure to do so will result in everyone losing the ability to watch practice.
All parking must be on the North side of the street where it is highlighted in Green. Do not park on the south side of the road and do not use the neighbor's driveways to turn around. Do not drive on the shoulder on the south side of the road as the neighbor directly across from the property will get upset.
Use the Driveway like the "Kiss & Go Lane at School." Pull in, drop your kid off, drive off 10 seconds later.
It only takes one person to not follow the rules for all of us to lose access to this facility. Share this information with anyone who may drop off or pick up your child from practice at the Prayer Farm.
Chaparral High School
15655 Brookstone Dr, Parker, CO 80134
All practices at this location are in the high school wrestling room. When you enter the main doors to the high school, take an immediate right and walk down the long hallway. The wrestling room is at the end of the hallway on your left.
Ponderosa High School
7007 Bayou Gulch Rd, Parker, CO 80134
All practices at this location are in the high school wrestling room. When you enter the main doors to the high school, walk down hallway to the end and turn left. The wrestling room is at top of the stairs above the gymnasium.
Regis High School
6400 S Lewiston Way, Aurora, CO 80016
All practices at this location are in the high school wrestling room. When you enter the main doors to the high school, take an immediate right and walk down the long hallway. The wrestling room is at the end of the hallway on your left.